Publication Title

Loyola Law Review


discrimination, domestic violence

Document Type



Domestic violence is at least a two-fold problem for American society. On the one hand, it is one of the leading causes of violence at the workplace against women. On the other, it prevents many women from attaining the economic security that would enable them to escape violence. After describing the background of this problem, this paper will canvass current legal remedies that are available to help battered women achieve economic security. This survey leads to the conclusion that the current pastiche of remedies is often ineffective because of their piecemeal approach to the problem, or because current doctrine does not establish a connection between the workplace and domestic violence. Using the design of a unit in an employment law course as the vehicle, the paper will conclude by addressing possible legal solutions including a comprehensive statute that would prohibit discrimination on the basis of abused status and provide for legal protections and enhancements towards a goal of economic independence and security for victims of domestic violence.



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