Submissions from 2025
Aiding Abortions: Accomplice and Conspiracy Liability after Dobbs, Mary Fan
Mass Data Searches and the Constitution, Mary Fan
New Perspectives on Fourth Amendment Suspicion, Mary Fan
Plural Publishing Personas, Mary Fan
Junior Scholars Works-in-Progress, Elizabeth Pendo
Junior Scholars Works-in-Progress, Elizabeth Pendo
Reimagining Law and Policy Affecting Individuals with Substance Use Conditions, Elizabeth Pendo
Moderator, Is Post-Graduate Legal Education in the U.S. Still Globally Attractive?, Dana Raigrodski
Incorporating AI & the NextGen Bar into Legal Research Instruction, Laura Wilcoxon
Submissions from 2024
Navigating DEI in the Current Legal Landscape, Kim Ambrose
Talking About Plea Offers with Your Clients, Kim Ambrose
Contingency Fee Conflicts, Steve Calandrillo
Economics of Fee Arrangements, Steve Calandrillo
Testimony before Oregon State Legislature on Bill 1548 to reject move to Standard Time,, Steve Calandrillo
Testimony before Washington State Legislature on Bill 5795 Adopting Permanent Standard Time, Steve Calandrillo
Designing Legal Writing Problems for the NextGen-eration, Jaclyn Celebrezze, Lauren E. Sancken, Carrie Sanford, Amanda K. Stephen, and David Ziff
Building Collaboration Between Doctrinal Faculty, Clinical Faculty, and Creative Practitioners on the Ground, Christine N. Cimini
From Equality to Belonging, Danieli Evans
From Equality to Belonging, Danieli Evans
Institutionalized Ostracism, Danieli Evans
Supreme Court and Constitutional Law Review, Danieli Evans
Data Sanctuaries for Reproductive and Gender Freedoms, Mary Fan
Police-Worn Body Camera Video, Mary Fan
Suspecting with Data, Mary Fan
Suspecting with Data: Using Our Technological Trails Against Us, Mary Fan
Suspecting with Data: Using Our Technological Trails Against Us, Mary Fan
Reproductive Rights in the Post-Dobbs Era, Jeff M. Feldman, Chief Judge Rebecca Glasgow, and Washington Chief Deputy Prosecutor Rachael Rogers
Trump v. Anderson: Will He Stay on the Ballot?, Jeff M. Feldman, Lisa Marshall Manheim, Elizabeth G. Porter, and Clark B. Lombardi
The Youth Tax in Parole Hearings, David M. N. Garavito
AI in Government Agencies: Global Challenges, Michael Hatfield
Ethics, AI, and Tax Administration, Michael Hatfield
Generative AI and Tax Professionals: Current PR Guidance, Michael Hatfield
Tax in Law Schools, Michael Hatfield
Tax in Law Schools, Michael Hatfield
Election Law and Democratic Theory, Lisa Marshall Manheim
Third Scalia–Ginsburg Colloquy, Lisa Marshall Manheim
Tribes, Treaties, and Water, Monte Mills
2024 U.S. Election and Its Potential Impact on Vietnam’s Economy, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Asian Law Center’s New Initiatives, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Plenary Session Panelist, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Startup Ills, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
The Past and the Future of IP Law, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
The Rise and Fall of Silicon Valley Bank: A Conversation With Professor Xuan-Thao Nguyen, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Transforming Education, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Updates on US AI Law and Practices, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
US Legal Scholarship: Do’s and Don’ts in Research and Writing a Law Review Article, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
Access to Health Care for People with Disabilities: New Muscular Dystrophy, Elizabeth Pendo
A Cross-Disciplinary Approach to Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inequities, Elizabeth Pendo
Advancing Health Equity Through Oversight, Elizabeth Pendo
Caring for Patients with Disabilities, Elizabeth Pendo
Disability Algorithmic Discrimination in Health Care, Elizabeth Pendo
Engaging Disability Rights Law to Address Harms at Intersection of Race, Disability and SUD, Elizabeth Pendo
Health Law Scholars Workshop, Elizabeth Pendo
Interlocutor for Elizabeth Chiarello’s discussion of her book, Policing Patients: Treatment and Surveillance on the Frontline of the Opioid Epidemic, Elizabeth Pendo
Reconceptualizing U.S. Health Law Toward Health Equity, Elizabeth Pendo
Reimagining Law and Policy Affecting Individuals with Substance Use Disorders and Pain Conditions, Elizabeth Pendo
Reimagining Law and Policy Affecting Individuals with Substance Use Disorders Disability Discrimination by Clinical Algorithm, Elizabeth Pendo
The Jay Healey Session: Constructive Conflict in the Law School Classroom, Elizabeth Pendo
What State Medical Boards Can Do to Address Serious Ethical Violations, Elizabeth Pendo
Constitutional Cranium, Terry J. Price
HIV Law and Policy in the U.S., Terry J. Price
What to Know When You're Applying to Law Schools, Terry J. Price
Human Trafficking and Forced Labor in Global Supply Chains, Dana Raigrodski
LGBTQ+ and the Law, Dana Raigrodski
Moderator, Immigration, Misinformation, and Forced Labor Panel, Dana Raigrodski
Setting Due Dates for Formative and Summative Assessments - What I Learned Experimenting This Past Year, Dana Raigrodski
Close to Final? A Binding International Treaty on Business and Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
Conflict & Corruption: Navigating Business Challenges in High-Risk Zones, Anita Ramasastry
Debate on EU Corporate Sustainability due Diligence Directive, Anita Ramasastry
Development Dialogues: Tax Justice and the Rights to Development: An Opportunity for Transformation, Anita Ramasastry
Discussant, Regulatory Efforts to Reduce Algorithmic Risks to Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
ESG Regulatory Requirements and the New World of Double Materiality, Social Due Diligence and Remedy, Anita Ramasastry
Human Rights and Anti-Corruption – The Victims of Corruption Exposed to Violations of Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
Human Rights at Home—the Relevance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Washington State and the United States, Anita Ramasastry
Introductory Remarks, Anita Ramasastry
Keynote Address, Anita Ramasastry
Legal Expert to the Chair, Anita Ramasastry
Looking Ahead - Collaborating for Positive Outcomes, Anita Ramasastry
Moderator, Corporate Accountability for International Crimes: Principles vs. Practice, Anita Ramasastry
Navigating Global Norms: Collaborative Compliance Strategies in Southeast Asia, Anita Ramasastry
Opening Plenary 'Confronting Global Threats: Standing Up for Integrity', Anita Ramasastry
Panel on the Global-South Perspective on Business and Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
Presentation of the Note on Aligning States Duties and Business Responsibilities with the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
Remarks on Anti-Corruption and the Green Economy, Anita Ramasastry
Remarks on Latest Developments in Business and Human Rights Regulations, Anita Ramasastry
The Role of Finance in Uncertain Times, Anita Ramasastry
The Role of Special Procedures in Sustaining Peace and Preventing Conflict through Human Rights, Anita Ramasastry
Unjust Transitions: Transition Mineral Extraction, Human Rights and the Green Economy, Anita Ramasastry
Workshop on Human Rights and Anti-Corruption: Collective Action as a strategy for closer cooperation., Anita Ramasastry
Persuasive Writing: Winning Techniques for Experienced Litigators, Lauren E. Sancken and Mireille Butler
LLM Students: A Different Approach to Preparing for the Bar?, Carrie Sanford
The Productivity Lab – Hacking Mindset Blocks to Better Work & Wellness Habits, Carrie Sanford
Being Brave in a New DEI World, Amanda K. Stephen
Teaching Humanizing Language in Legal Writing Classrooms: Fostering Empathy and Inclusion, Amanda K. Stephen
Feedback That Sticks: Enhancing Your Critiquing Skills, Amanda K. Stephen, Samantha Moppett, and Rebecca Rich
Preparing for the Next Gen Bar Exam, Laura Wilcoxon
Low-Cost and No-Cost Alternatives to Westlaw and LexisNexis, Alena Wolotira
China’s Reception of the AI Revolution, Dongsheng Zang
Privacy in Fingerprint and DNA: United States and Japan, Dongsheng Zang