
Washington International Law Journal


John F. Pierce


The Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal was founded in 1990 as an innovative vehicle for the discussion of legal and interdisciplinary policy-oriented issues affecting both Asian and trans-Pacific affairs. The Journal is published twice yearly, and consists of three principal sections: Comments, which are student-written pieces; Articles, which are written by legal scholars, social scientists, policy makers and other professionals; and Translations, which contain student and professional translations of articles written by scholars from China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand and other Pacific Rim nations. The Journal's function is three-fold. First, the Journal will provide valuable writing and editing experience to University of Washington law students interested in Pacific Rim law and policy issues. Second, the Journal, as one of only two student-edited law journals in the United States devoted to the Pacific Basin, and the only journal featuring translations of East Asian legal scholarship, encourages the debate of issues vital to the Pacific Rim. Third, the Journal enhances the University of Washington School of Law's national and international role as a center for East Asian legal studies.
