"Dedication. John Owen Haley: Scholar, Mentor and Friend" by Daniel H. Foote

Washington International Law Journal


The article that leads off this issue, "Lessons from a Changing Japan," is based on John Owen Haley's inaugural lecture as the Garvey, Schubert & Barer Professor of Law, which he presented at a ceremony celebrating his appointment to that position. That professorship, the first permanent endowed professorship at the University of Washington School of Law, takes its name from a law firm that has long been at the forefront in legal relations with Japan. Thus, selection to the professorship represents an especially fitting and richly deserved honor for John, for over the past two decades he has contributed as much to American understanding of Japanese law as anyone. John's accomplishments are far too numerous to list, but in this brief dedication I will touch on four aspects: John as scholar, as promoter of scholarship on Asian law, as teacher, and as colleague. Ever since joining the faculty at the University of Washington School of Law in 1974, John has been one of the most influential and productive Japanese law scholars in the United States. Among other works, his "The Myth of the Reluctant Litigant," published in the Journal of Japanese Studies in 1978, set the framework for much of the later debate over the supposed absence of litigiousness and rights consciousness in Japan. It remains one of the most widely cited articles on Japanese law ever published, and has spawned numerous other articles by both Japanese and American scholars. In a similar manner, his work on administrative law and administrative guidance has had a great impact on subsequent research on those topics. His research and writing have extended far beyond those fields, though, embracing such seemingly diverse areas as antitrust, civil procedure, contracts, criminal law, and the legal profession.

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