"Foreword" by Kiri Yoshimura

Washington International Law Journal


Kiri Yoshimura


In Volume 28, Issue 1, readers can explore two types of government intervention and regulation in China, land title insurance in India, and African mining laws. First, Yueh-Ping (Alex) Yang delves into the Chinese commercial banking sector, the roles of the party-state and private capital, and agency issues that arise from this model. Nga Kit ‘Christy’ Tang’s article follows, with a discussion of the impact of China’s acceptance into the World Trade Organization on food and product safety regulation in China. Anirudh Burman then presents an analysis of the feasibility of title insurance for land titles in India, based on the current system of laws. Finally, Nneoma Veronica Nwogu offers insight into provisions in African mining laws that mandate local labor participation and whether these provisions anticipate the rise of automation.

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