"Foreword" by Casey Yamasaki

Washington International Law Journal


Casey Yamasaki


This issue begins with Paul B. Larsen's analysis on the international interests in space law and the need for a legal order to regulate the "final frontier." Following, Ronald C. Brown compares the different approaches in free trade agreements, particularly regarding labor standards, that may optimize the benefits of the Belt and Road Initiative ("BRI"). Weixia Gu also analyzes best practices in lieu of the BRI and offers insight on different approaches to arb-med-arb dispute resolution policies. Next, Satya T. Mouland examines how adjuciative jurisdiction may be utilized as a means of enforcement in international law. Finally, the issue orbits back to space law with Rosario Avveduto's student comment. There, Rosario discusses how international space law interacts with intellectual property law.

First Page

