This Article analyzes the Federal Circuit’s Model Order Regarding E-Discovery in Patent Cases (the “Model Order”). The Article briefly describes the purpose behind the Model Order, describes its key provisions, analyzes the Model Order to identify some areas of continuing concern, and defines predictive coding to examine the impact, or lack thereof, on the Model Order. The Author concludes that, while it is beyond refute that the Model Order is an appropriate step toward controlling and managing e-discovery, the Model Order is only the first step. In this regard, several problems, as set forth below, can potentially arise when counsel or the courts use the Model Order. It is hoped that this Article will encourage judges, litigants, and other interested parties to continue trying to solve the continuously troubling aspects of e-discovery and e-discovery abuse.
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Recommended Citation
Daniel B. Garrie & Yoav M. Griver,
Unchanging E-Discovery in the Patent Courts,
8 Wash. J. L. Tech. & Arts
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