
Washington Law Review




The American Bar Association has announced that in every one of the forty-eight States and the District of Columbia, the members of the Association participating in its recent poll voted disapproval of an increase in the number of Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States on the basis recommended by the President of the United States in his message of February 5, 1937. Members of the Association throughout the United States voted by secret ballot by mail, upon the various proposals affecting the Federal Judiciary, four of which were approved by a majority of the members voting; but according to the announcement by the Chairman of the Association's Board of Elections, Justice Edward T. Fairchild of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, the proposed increase of the Supreme Court did not obtain a majority of the votes cast by Association members in any State. The Association has further announced that in order that the views of the whole legal profession upon these proposals may be ascertained and made known, the Association is now conducting a poll of the 126,000 known lawyers who are not members of the Association.

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