"Washington Legislation—1941" by J. Grattan O'Bryan, Leslie J. Ayer et al.

Washington Law Review


In undertaking to survey the work of the 1941 legislature the aim has not been to attain complete coverage. Space limitations and the time factor have dictated that only certain phases be considered and that brevity rather than complete analysis be the guide. In selecting topics for discussion the aim has been to give attention to those statutes which are likely to be of greatest concern to practicing lawyers. At the outset this meant that virtually all of the largest group of statutes, those dealing with the powers of governmental units, be eliminated. Of the remaining statutes all could not be discussed, or even mentioned, and while the selection has been arbitrary the attempt has been to focus upon those which appear to be of the most general interest. Special regard has been had for statutes affecting judicial procedure, to those of a regulatory character and to social legislation. Because of space and time limitations consideration of some material has necessarily been postponed until the next issue of the Review. Among the statutes which will be discussed in the later issue are those dealing with agriculture, banking, small loans, taxation, trusts, and workmen's compensation. The survey has been a cooperative enterprise by the members of the law faculty of the University of Washington, with the valuable help of members of the student editorial board of the Review. In particular, Dean Falknor was assisted by Mr. Arthur Quigley. Mr. Robert Buck aided Professor O'Bryan. Professor Shattuck had the assistance of Mr. Herbert Droker, and Professor Sholley, of Mr. Snyder Jed King and Mr. Bayard Crutcher.

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