Washington Law Review
Following the sequence of its title, the first section of the Report is denominated "Freedom of Expression," and examines many instances of censorship and boycott, by lay and religious groups, in all major communications media—newspapers, books, magazines, radio, motion pictures and television. The incidents include the picketing of the movie "Limelight," radio and television "blacklisting" practices, and municipal and church attempts to prevent the performance of various plays and the screening of several motion pictures. The section also reports on security and loyalty measures throughout the United States, including accounts of the several United States Supreme Court cases concerning loyalty oaths. It examines academic freedom in public schools as well as universities. The report on religion and conscience which concludes the section deals with problems of conscientious objectors under the Selective Service System, and the various programs for religious instruction in public schools.
First Page
Recommended Citation
Gordon Jaynes,
Book Review,
Freedom, Justice, Equality: Report on Civil Liberties, January, 1951—June, 1953, by the American Civil Liberties Union (1953),
29 Wash. L. Rev. & St. B.J.
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