
Washington Law Review


Recent and authoritative medical investigations have convinced qualified cardiologists that the great majority of cardiac patients can perform productive labor without physical harm to themselves. Despite the assurance of cardiologists, many industrial concerns are reluctant to employ workmen suffering from cardiac disorders due to fear of increased industrial insurance costs. The resultant nonemployment of these patients when otherwise employable not only creates needless despair for themselves and their families, but it deprives the industrial community of many skills developed over long years of training. It is the purpose of this article to review the Washington Industrial Insurance Act to determine what bearing its administration may have upon the problem. (The material in this article originally appeared in an analysis of the Washington Workman's Compensation Act prepared by Prof. Ivan C. Rutledge for the Washington State Heart Association under date of October 13, 1954. Believing that this material would be of interest to the Washington bar the editors of the Law Review, with Prof. Rutledge's consent, have revised that analysis for publication herein.)

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