
Washington Law Review


Denis Murphy


No thinking person will deny that the question of world peace is one of vital importance, one which affects every individual now living and one which will affect every individual hereafter to be born, for upon it depends the future existence of civilization as we know it and, therefore, the material, intellectual and spiritual status of every present and prospective member of the human race. And, unfortunately, no well-informed person can deny that the existing relations between the United States and the British Commonwealth of nations are not such as give that guarantee of solidarity of purpose and consonance of action in preserving world peace which ought to be expected from national communities such as they who loathe war, who entertain the same ideas of human progress and human liberty and who have each founded all hope for the future on democratic principles of government which are in themselves the negation of the use of force in human relations. Such a situation must appeal to all intelligent men and women, but particularly to lawyers who by avocation are the sworn servants of justice and law as one calling for intensive study with a view to its immediate amelioration. I am not egotistical or rather asinine enough to attempt here remedial suggestions. I propose merely to state to you as fully and fairly as I can the underlying facts of the case and to enumerate some of the possible methods of successfully dealing with the present deadlock which have been suggested in your country and mine.

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