
Washington Law Review


Irene R. Cortes


The relations which have developed between the Philippines and the United States during more than sixty years of close association have been variously described as "unique,"' "peculiar," ' and "special." The most unusual relations are those created by an amendment to the Philippine Constitution extending to citizens and corporations of the United States, for a period of twenty-eight years, equal rights with Filipino citizens and corporations in the exploration, development, and utilization of natural resources and the operation of public utilities. Parity rights, as this grant is popularly called, were the subject of bitter controversy in the Philippines when proposed and continue to arouse a great deal of feeling today. These rights will terminate on July 3, 1974, and with less than ten years left before the termination date, it becomes important to inquire into the extent and present status of the interests acquired under the amendment and to consider the legal effects of expiration of the parity period.

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