
Washington Law Review


Professor Morris, examines the current scope of the Washington State Constitution, originally designed for a frontier people in a railroad economy, and deficient in a number of elements critical to the Washington society of today and 100 years hence. With particular emphasis on what new rights must be set forth in textual guarantees, the author examines the problems and implications of a menagerie of changed circumstances and contemporary social ills, including racial integration, invasions of privacy by public and private modes of surveillance, the deterioration of the life and structures of our cities, the threat of administrative abuses in the distribution of public benefits, and the overwhelming need for improvement and adaptation of our educational program. Professor Morris appends a challenging and forthright proposal for a Bill of Rights for the State of Washington, expressly designed to preserve our libertarian heritage and yet anticipate the trends of the next century. [This article was presented at the State Constitutional Revision Conference, sponsored by the University of Washington School of Law, Seattle, Washington (June 13-14, 1968).]

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