"Unemployment Compensation—Spouse's Relocation Due to Employment Is a C" by Pamela A. Okano

Washington Law Review


Pamela A. Okano


This note will analyze the impact of Ayers upon the traditional dual administrative test of "no alternative" and "preservation of employment" used to determine whether, under the particular facts and circumstances, "compelling personal reasons"' meeting the statutory requirement of good cause for voluntary termination of employment exist. Although the Washington court did not discuss this test, the Ayers decision should not be construed as a rejection of its continued vitality. In addition, this note will analyze the factors which should be considered when applying the "no alternative" and "preservation of employment" standards to spouse relocation situations in the wake of Ayers. It concludes that a more careful adherence to established administrative tests is necessary to ensure that awards of unemployment compensation benefits are made in accordance with the articulated objectives of the state unemployment compensation law

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