Washington Law Review
Apparently, at the present time, the thought of lawyers on the law relating to the territorial extent of Federal Court judgment liens on real property in the states, is somewhat confused. To attribute the bewilderment to any inherent difficulty in the subject would be ungracious if not unjust. It would be fairer to ascribe it to the distractions of modern life and business, though doubtless some modicum of blame is due to that propensity so gloomily pondered by Sir Joshua Reynolds when he said, "There is no expedient to winch man will not resort to avoid the labor of thinking." The subject is not without difficulties. The law governing such liens in a given state is the result of the reciprocal operation of the laws of two sovereignties, the United States and the state. Whenever the law on any subject is so derived, it is apt to be a little intricate and search for it uninviting, requiring more time and closer study than the busy practitioner or judge ordinarily can devote to it.
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Recommended Citation
Marion Edwards,
Federal Court Judgment Liens,
6 Wash. L. Rev.
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