
Washington Law Review


Of all the present members of the Washington Law School faculty, perhaps I have known Professor Tunks the longest time. I knew him first when I joined the faculty of the College of Law at the University of Iowa, directly out of law school, hardly dry behind the ears. Professor Tunks was then a young professor, his career there having been interrupted by service with the Office of Price Administration in World War II. He took me by the hand and led me through the groves of academe. As a brash youngster, I tried to institute some internal reforms: to change the grading system (at that time they gave no individual grades in courses, only the yearly average) and to institute the honor system. I was shot down decisively by the dean and the faculty, but in both matters Professor Tunks supported me with diplomacy and guile. One does not forget those incidents. It was in response to his call, of course, that I joined the faculty of the School of Law at the University of Washington in the fall of 1966.

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