Washington Law Review
After a combined fourteen years of post-high school education, four years of Law Review work and twenty-one years of legal experience, we've discovered that nothing is more difficult than writing about one's father. This is especially true when he has been so special to so many people. We expect that others writing in this dedication issue may honor the teacher, the lawyer, the law student, or the faculty colleague. We, however, write of our father. On into our adulthood he has embodied for us the ideals of honesty and fairness, of compassion and caring for the world, both local and national, of intelligence and hard work, and of love. As we have matured from childhood, we have recognized our fortune in having his continuing example, and the fortune of the community to which he has dedicated most of his adult life. Never one to tout himself, he has worked quietly and effectively to improve the situations of the less fortunate. He is a man dedicated to his family, his faith, his students, and his community and continues as our example of the ethics and personal integrity that is lawyering at its finest.
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Recommended Citation
Paul V. Rieke & Janis R. Cunningham,
To Father,
62 Wash. L. Rev.
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