
Washington Law Review


No doubt the editors of the Washington Law Review asked me to write this introduction because, as Director of Basic Legal Skills at the University of Washington School of Law, I inherited a program that Marjorie Rombauer established. Unfortunately, I am far more conscious of the impact that Professor Rombauer has had on my career than I am knowledgeable about her career. Still, ignorance of one's subject need not be an obstacle to publication, and so I accepted. But even if I were more qualified for this task, I would be doomed. For, in the few months since I arrived here, I have discovered that Professor Rombauer is a woman of innumerable and diverse achievements, cultivated hobbies (among which is playing the accordion!), and magnanimity who deserves a full-scale biography. So, if I fail to do her justice, blame not me, but (as my students would say) the page limit.

First Page

