"Bill Rodgers: Environmental Law's Captain Planet" by Richard J. Lazarus

Washington Law Review


I have long thought of Bill Rodgers as environmental law's own "Captain Planet." There is, at the outset, the striking physical resemblance, which is well nigh conclusive. The square jaw and shoulders. The strong, confident look. And, of course, the hair, complete with the signature flip down onto the forehead. Sheer coincidence? I think not. But the proof of identity is far more extensive than mere similarity in outward physical appearances. For four decades, Bill Rodgers has been environmental law's oracle and steward. His encyclopedic knowledge of the substance of environmental law is legendary. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the publication of his celebrated treatise on environmental law. Upon initial publication in 1977 and still today in 2007, it is without peer. No other environmental law scholar has yet even tried to proffer a competing treatise of comparable breadth and depth.

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