
Washington Law Review


As a co-author of one of the two dozen or more currently-in-print Contracts casebooks, I obviously have both a point of view about, and a personal stake in, the survival of this particular method of instruction. Whether the legal casebook—or any other book, in the form of bound sheets of paper—will remain a part of our academic culture much longer is clearly up for grabs, however. Electronic records have so many advantages over the printed page that, at least for many purposes, they will surely become the dominant form of preserving, retrieving, and transmitting information, if indeed they are not already. But through whatever medium, I hope that legal training will continue to retain the study of “cases” as an important component of a legal education. In this brief discussion I will ruminate a little about the various ways in which case study can contribute to law study—or at least to the study of contract law, the area with which I am most familiar.

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