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University of Washington School of Law




Legal Education


Cover story: A New Era of Legal Education

Message from the Dean, page 2


  • Greg Adams Heads Washington Law School Foundation (’77), page 3
  • Innocence Project Reverses Conviction; Major Gift Expands Clinic Scope, page 3
  • William H. Gates Sr. Receives High Honors (William H. Gates Sr. ’50 receives the ABA Medal, its highest honor), page 4, photo
  • Mindy Longanecker Chosen SBA President, page 4, photo
  • Fundraising Sustains Quality During Economic Downturn, by Stephanie Cox, page 5
  • Two Students, Three Degrees (Jen Marlow and Jeni Krencecki Barcelos), page 6, photo
  • Alumni Awards Banquet Celebrates the Best (Cristóbal Joshua Alex ’01, Recent Graduate Award; Roland Hjorth, Lifetime Service Award; Judge Richard A. Jones ’75 and Justice Tom Chambers ’69, Distinguished Alumni Awards; Dan Satterberg, Henry M. Jackson Distinguished Alumni Public Service Award; pages 7-9
  • Commitment to Public Service Expands: New Concentration Track Offered, page 10
  • Five Gates Scholars Join the Class of 2012, page 10
  • Law, Technology, and Arts Group Takes Innovation to the Highest Level, page 11
  • UW Law Students Do Well Despite Tough Job Market, page 11
  • Meet the Law School’s New Dean Kellye Testy, pages 12-13, photo; sidebar, UW School of Law Deans (1899-2009)

Students Get a First Taste of Experience from Mentors, pages 14-15

Olympia Quarter Fellows Experience State Government Up Close, pages 16-17, photo

Out of the Classroom and into the Community: Mediation Clinic Students Help Resolve Conflicts, pages 18-19, photo

Gaining Experience Through Competitions, pages 20-21, 38, photos

Proving Ground for Externs and Interns: The Office of the King County Prosecutor, pages 22-23, photos

The Student Perspective in the First Person, page 24, photos

Briefs (faculty activities and presentations), pages 25-32

  • Helen Anderson Awarded Tenure (’84), page 32
  • Faculty Scholarship, pages 33-34
  • New Faculty Books, page 35
  • Ramasastry and Taylor Receive Endowed Professorships (Anita Ramasastry, D. Wayne and Anne E. Gittinger Professor of Law, and Veronica Taylor, Dan Fenno Henderson Professor of Asian Law), pages 35-36
  • McMurtrie and Ngugi Named Washington Law Foundation Scholars, pages 36-37
  • Calandrillo Chosen for Stone Professorship, page 37
  • Students Honor Anderson, Howard, and Watts (Robert Anderson, selected as Professor of the Year for the third time; Maureen Howard ’86 receives her second Trautman award; and Kathryn Watts receives her first Professor of the Year award), page 38

Beyond the Bookshelf: Library Enhances Experiential Learning, by Mary Whisner, pages 39-40

Librarian Scholarship and Briefs (news and presentations), page 40

Photo Gallery, pages 41-42

Books by Alumni (A Different Shade of Blue by Adam Eisenberg ’92 and The Good Times Are All Gone Now: Life, Death, and Rebirth in an Idaho Mining Town by Julie Whitesel ’69), page 43

Class Notes, pages 44-45

Obituaries (Judge Leonard W. Kruse ’55, Randal Marquis ’66, and Stimson Bullitt), pages 45-46

From the Archives: Clinics Celebrate 30 Years, pages 47-48

uwlaw, Fall 2009, Vol. 60

Catalog Record
