University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 1977


Distributions in Kind and the Dividends Paid Deduction--Conflict in the Circuits, Dwight Drake
1977 BYU L. Rev. 45 (1977)


Search and Seizure in Alaska: A Comprehensive Review, Jeff M. Feldman
7 UCLA Alaska L. Rev. 75 (1977)


Legal Ethics and the Government Lawyer, Eric Schnapper
32 Rec. Ass'n B. City N.Y. 649 (1977)

Submissions from 1976


Professional Responsibility: Education and Enforcement, Robert H. Aronson
51 Wash. L. Rev. 273 (1976)


The Literature Labyrinth of Nuclear Power: A Bibliography, Penny Hazelton
6 Envtl. L. 921 (1976)

Submissions from 1975


The Realities of Prisoners' Cases Under 42 U.S.C. § 1983: A Statistical Survey in the Northern District of Illinois, William S. Bailey
6 Loy. U. L.J. 527 (1975)


Comment on the Coal Lease Forfeiture Decision: The Hypothetical Case of United States v. Peabody Coal Co., William H. Rodgers, Jr.
15 Nat. Resources J. 257 (1975)

Submissions from 1974

Clearcutting: Can You See the Forest for the Trees?, James E. Bernstein, Penny Hazelton, and Dennis J. Hubel
5 Envtl. L. 85 (1974)


Clearcutting: Can You See the Forest for the Trees?, James E. Bernstein, Penny Hazelton, and Dennis J. Hubel
5 Envtl. L. 85 (1974)


A Survey of the Washington Industrial and Safety Act’s First Months of Operation, Hugh D. Spitzer
9 Gonz. L. Rev. 639 (1974)

Submissions from 1973

Should the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination Apply to Compelled Psychiatric Examinations?, Robert H. Aronson
26 Stan. L. Rev. 55 (1973)

Submissions from 1972


The States Versus Indian Off-Reservation Fishing: A United States Supreme Court Error, Ralph W. Johnson
47 Wash. L. Rev. 207 (1972)


The National Industrial Pollution Control Council: Advise or Collude?, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
13 B.C. Indus. & Com. L. Rev. 719 (1972)

Submissions from 1971


The Area of Origin and a Columbia River Diversion, Ralph W. Johnson
46 Wash. L. Rev. 245 (1971)


The Area of Origin and a Columbia River Diversion, Ralph W. Johnson
46 Wash. L. Rev. 245 (1971)


Industrial Water Pollution and the Refuse Act: A Second Chance for Water Quality, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
119 U. Pa. L. Rev. 761 (1971)


Siting Power Plants in Washington State, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
47 Wash. L. Rev. 9 (1971)

Submissions from 1970


Federal Organization for Control of Weather Modification, Ralph W. Johnson
10 Nat. Resources J. 222 (1970)


Recreation, Fish, Wildlife and the Public Land Law Review Commission, Ralph W. Johnson
6 Land & Water L. Rev. 283 (1970)


Water Law, Ralph W. Johnson
45 Wash. L. Rev. 447 (1970)


Filling and Building on Small Lakes—Time for Judicial and Legislative Controls, Ralph W. Johnson and G. Richard Morry
45 Wash. L. Rev. 27 (1970)


A Model Bill on the Reporting of Campaign Contributions and Expenditures, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
23 Vand. L. Rev. 293 (1970)


The Persistent Problem of the Persistent Pesticides: A Lesson in Environmental Law, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
70 Colum. L. Rev. 567 (1970)


When Seattle Citizens Complain, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
2 Urb. Law. 386 (1970)

Submissions from 1969


Miles Oscar Price—The Journal Record, Marian G. Gallagher
62 Law Libr. J. 11 (1969)