34th Annual Indian Law Symposium


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Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date

Spring 4-21-2022


Presenter: Wenona Singel

Topic: Subchapter 1 – State Authority

Restatement Sections: Sec. 29 – State Regulation of Nonmembers in Indian Country, and Sec. 30 – State Taxation of Nonmembers in Indian Country

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Presenters: Kristen Mitchell and Asa Washines

Topic: Subchapter 1 – State Authority

Restatement Sections: Sec. 31 – State Regulation of Indians and Indian Tribes, Sec. 32 – State Taxation of Indians and Indian Tribes, Sec.33 – State Civil Adjudicatory Jurisdiction Over Claims Arising in Indian Country, Sec. 34 State Civil Adjudicatory Jurisdiction Under Public Law 280 and Similar Statutes, Sec.35 – Recognition of Tribal Judgments, Sec. 36 – Intergovernmental Agreements, Sec. 37 State Immunity from Suit

Timestamp: 0:28:11

Presenter: Elizabeth Reese

Topic: Subchapter 2 – The Indian Child Welfare Act and Similar State Laws

Restatement Sections: Tribal Jurisdiction over Indian Child Welfare Matters, Sec. 42 – Right to Intervene in State Court Indian Child Welfare Matters, and Sec. 43 – Dismissal of Indian Child Welfare Matters When Tribe Has Exclusive Jurisdiction

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Presenter: Kate Fort

Topic: Subchapter 2 – The Indian Child Welfare Act and Similar State Laws

Restatement Sections: Sec. 40 – State-Court Jurisdiction, 41 – Obligation to Notify Indian Child’s Parents, Custodians and Indian Tribes, and Sec. 44 – Transfer of Indian Child-Welfare Matters When Tribal and State Courts Share Concurrent Jurisdiction

Timestamp: 1:14:55

Presenter: Neoshia Roemer

Topic: Subchapter 2 – The Indian Child Welfare Act and Similar State Laws

Restatement Sections: Sec. 38 – Application of the Indian Child Welfare Act and Sec. 45 – Termination of the Rights of an Indian Parent

Timestamp: 1:38:52
