Washington Law Review
Table of Contents
Introduction to U.S.-Japanese Investment
Dan Fenno Henderson
Alien Lawyers in the United States and Japan—A Comparative Study
Kaname Ohira and George Neff Stevens
The Antimonopoly Law of Japan and Its Enforcement
Michiko Ariga and Luvern V. Rieke
Contract Problems in U.S.-Japanese Joint Ventures
Dan Fenno Henderson
Japanese Investment Trusts
Hiroo Mizushima, Howard L. Lund, and Masao Sekiguchi
The Protection in Japan of Inventions by Employees During the Course of Their Employment
Bunzo Takino and Ward M. French
Personal Property as Collateral in Japan and the United States
Kazuaki Sono and Warren L. Shattuck
Book Reviews
Court and Constitution in Japan . . . Selected Supreme Court Decisions, 1948-60, by John M. Maki (1964)
Alfred C. Oppler
Law in Japana: The Legal Order in a Changing Society, edited by Arthur T. von Mehren (1963)
Harold G. Wren
American-Japanese Private International Law, by Albert A. Ehrenzweig, Sueo Ikehara, and Norman Jensen (1964)
David S. Stern
Editors Notes
Editor's Notes
L. William Houger