Washington Law Review
Table of Contents
Stop and Frisk in a Concealed Carry World
Shawn E. Fields
Danger Ahead: Risk Assessment and the Future of Bail Reform
John Logan Koepke and David G. Robinson
Market Segmentation vs. Subsidization: Clean Energy Credits and the Commerce Clause's Economic Wisdom
Felix Mormann
Privacy Localism
Ira S. Rubinstein
Privacy's Double Standards
Scott Skinner-Thompson
Remaining Silent in Indian Country: Self-Incrimination and Grants of Immunity for Tribal Court Defendants
Philipp C. Kunze
Unrealistic Expectations: The Federal Government's Unachievable Mandate for State Cannabis Regulation
Rebecca Sweeney
Head in the Clouds, Head in the Sand: Federal Failure to Update Guidance on Computer Transaction in an International Context
Logan S. Weaver