University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 2004


Consent Engendered: A Feminist Critique of Consensual Fourth Amendment Searches, Dana Raigrodski
16 Hastings Women's L.J. 37 (2004)


Improving Laws, Declining World: The Tort of Contamination, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
38 Va. U. L. Rev. 1249 (2004)


Treatment as Tribe, Treatment as State: The Penobscot Indians and the Clean Water Act, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
55 Ala. L. Rev. 815 (2004)


Capitalism and Freedom -- For Whom? Feminist Legal Theory and Progressive Corporate Law,, Kellye Y. Testy
Law & Contemp. Probs. 87 (2004)


A Republican Constitution, and the Conundrum of Orangeism on American Soil, Walter J. Walsh
1900-01-05 Radharc 1 (2004)


The First Free Exercise Case, Walter J. Walsh
73 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1 (2004)


Crafting a License to Know from a Privilege to Access, Jane K. Winn
79 Wash. L. Rev. 285 (2004)

Submissions from 2003


Australia's Tampa Incident: The Convergence of International and Domestic Refugee and Maritime Law in the Pacific Rim: Introduction to the Maritime Law Forum, Craig Allen
12 Pac. Rim L. & Pol'y J. 97 (2003)


Introduction, The Osceola After 100 Years: Its Meaning and Effect on Maritime Personal Injury Law in the United States, Craig Allen
34 Rutgers L.J. 605 (2003)


Criminal Jurisdiction, Tribal Courts and Public Defenders, Robert T. Anderson
13 Kan. J.L. & Pub. Pol'y 139 (2003)


Eminent Domain Economics: Should ‘Just Compensation’ be Abolished, and Would ‘Takings Insurance’ Work Instead?, Steve Calandrillo
64 Ohio St. L.J. 451 (2003)


Governing Copyright in Cyberspace: The Penalty Default Problem with State-Centric Sovereignty, Mary D. Fan
43 Jurimetrics 315 (2003)


Japanese Justice System Reform in Comparative Perspective, Daniel H. Foote
58 Hōshakaigaku 204 (2003)


After 30 Years, the Debate Over Software Protection is Still Noisy, Robert W. Gomulkiewicz
Nat. L. J. S10 (2003)


Community Acequias in Colorado's Rio Culebra Watershed: A Customary Commons in the Domain of Prior Appropriation, Gregory A. Hicks and Devon G. Peña
74 U. Colo. L. Rev. 387 (2003)


Index to Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing, Volumes 1-11 (1992-2003), Mary A. Hotchkiss
12 Persp.: Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 46 (2003)


Law for the Non-JD, Mary A. Hotchkiss and Mary Whisner
AALL Spectrum 4 (2003)


Can Fingerprints Lie?: Re-Weighing Fingerprint Evidence in Criminal Jury Trials, Tamara F. Lawson
31 Am. J. Crim. L. 1 (2003)


The Digital Trademark Right: The Troubling New Extraterritorial Reach of National Law, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
81 N.C. L. Rev. 483 (2003)


"They Say He's Gay": The Admissibility of Evidence of Sexual Orientation, Peter Nicolas
37 Ga. L. Rev. 793 (2003)


Substantially Limited Justice?: The Possibilities and Limits of a New Rawlsian Analysis of Disability-Based Discrimination, Elizabeth Pendo
77 St. John's L. Rev. 225 (2003)


The Best Patent Practice or Mere Compromise? A Review of the Current Draft of the Substantive Patent Law Treaty and a Proposal for a "First-to-Invent" Exception for Domestic Applicants, Toshiko Takenaka
11 Tex. Intell. Prop. L.J. 259 (2003)


Whose Deal Is It? Teaching about Structural Inequality by Teaching Contracts Transactionally, Kellye Y. Testy
34 U. Tol. L. Rev. 699 (2003)

Submissions from 2002


Of Punctilios and Paybacks: The Duty of Loyalty Under the Uniform Trust Code, Karen E. Boxx
67 Mo. L. Rev. 279 (2002)


The New Contract: Welfare Reform, Devolution, and Due Process, Christine N. Cimini
61 Md. L. Rev. 246 (2002)