University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 2001


Victimized Twice -- The Intersection of Domestic Violence and the Workplace: Legal Reform Through Curriculum Development, Lea B. Vaughn
47 Loy. L. Rev. 231 (2001)


The Emperor's New Clothes: The Shocking Truth About Digital Signatures and Internet Commerce, Jane K. Winn
37 Idaho L. Rev. 353 (2001)

Submissions from 2000


Limitation of Liability, Craig Allen
31 J. Mar. L. & Com. 263 (2000)


Federalism in the Era of International Standards: Federal and State Government Regulation of Merchant Vessels in the United States (Part IV), Craig H. Allen
31 J. Mar. L. & Com. 15 (2000)


Gray's Ghost—A Conversation About the Onshore Trust, Karen E. Boxx
85 Iowa L. Rev. 1195 (2000)


Shihō ni nani o nozomu ka [What I Desire for the Justice System], Daniel H. Foote
1170 Juristo 146 (2000)


From the Editor: A Fresh Perspective, Mary A. Hotchkiss
9 Persp.: Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 1 (2000)


The University of Washington Law Librarianship Program: 60 Years of Excellence, Mary A. Hotchkiss


Conceiving Nonmarital Fathers' Rights: An Inquiry into the Constitutionality of West Virginia's Adoption Statute, Lisa Kelly
102 W. Va. L. Rev. 667 (2000)


A Question of Duty: Common Law Legal Issues Resulting from Physician Response to Unsolicited Patient Email Inquiries, Patricia C. Kuszler
2 J Med Internet Res. e17 (2000)


Financing Clinical Research and Experimental Therapies: Payment Due, But from Whom?, Patricia C. Kuszler
3 DePaul J. Health Care L. 441 (2000)


A Circus Among the Circuits: Would the Truly Famous and Diluted Performer Please Stand Up? The Federal Trademark Dilution Act and Its Challenges, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
1 Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 158 (2000)


Prefatory note and commentary, Uniform Money Services Act, Anita Ramasastry
National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (2000)


How Local Perceptions of Pledge Law Compare with the Findings of the Regional Survey, Anita Ramasastry and Stefka Slavova
Law in Transition (2000)


EBRD Legal Indicator Survey: Assessing Insolvency Laws after Ten Years of Transition, Anita Ramasastry, Stefka Slavova, and Lieve Vandenhoeck
Law in Transition (2000)


The Most Creative Moments in the History of Environmental Law: "The Whats", William H. Rodgers, Jr.
2000 U. Ill. L. Rev. 1 (2000)


The Myth of the Win-Win: Misdiagnosis in the Business of Reassembling Nature, William H. Rodgers, Jr.
42 Ariz. L. Rev. 297 (2000)

Take the Initiative on Constitutionality, Hugh D. Spitzer


Why Lawyers Have Often Worn Strange Clothes, Claimed to Work for Free--and Been Hated, Hugh D. Spitzer


Patent Infringement Damages in Japan and the United States: Will Increased Patent Infringement Damage Awards Revive the Japanese Economy?, Toshiko Takenaka
2 Wash. U. L. & Pol'y J. 309 (2000)


Patent Infringement Damages in Japan and the United States: Will Increased Patent Infringement Damage Awards Revive the Japanese Economy?, Toshiko Takenaka
2 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol'y 309 (2000)


Catalytic Impact of Information Technology on the New International Financial Architecture, Jane K. Winn
34 Int'l Law. 137 (2000)


Making XML Pay: Revising Existing Electronic Payments Law to Accommodate Innovation, Jane K. Winn
53 SMU L. Rev. 1477 (2000)


Who Owns the Customer? The Emerging Law of Commercial Transactions in Electronic Customer Data, Jane Kaufman Winn and James R. Wrathall
56 Bus. Law. 213 (2000)


Electronic Records and Signatures under the Federal E-Sign Legislation and the UETA, Robert A. Wittie and Jane K. Winn
56 Bus. Law. 293 (2000)