Univ. of Washington School of Law Faculty Articles | Faculty Publications and Presentations | University of Washington School of Law

University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 2020


Usable Sexurity: Studying People’s Concerns and Strategies When Sexting, Christine Geeng, Jevan Hutson, and Franziska Roesner


To Write with Flow, Use the Old-to-New Connection, Benjamin S. Halasz
74 NW Law. 24 (2020)


Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet to Technical Director, Financial Accounting Standards Board (Feb. 7, 2020) on Income Taxes (Topic 740) Proposed Accounting Standards Update (Revised), Jeffery M. Kadet


A Case Study: Effectively Connected Income, Jeffery M. Kadet and David L. Koontz
167 Tax Notes Fed. 217 (2020)


Letter from Jeffery M. Kadet and David L. Koontz to Internal Revenue Service (Jan. 16, 2020) on Proposed Regulations REG-100956-19, Jeffery M. Kadet and David L. Koontz


Surveillance, Stigma & Sociotechnical Design for HIV, Calvin Liang, Jevan Hutson, and Os Keyes


Cracks in the Foundation, Lisa Marshall Manheim
100 B.U. L. Rev. Online 268 (2020)


Presidential Control over Disputed Elections, Lisa Marshall Manheim
81 Ohio St. L.J. Online 215 (2020)


On the Development of Terrortory, Bryan McKinley Jones Brayboy and Jeremiah Chin
19 CONTEXTS 22 (2020)


Beyond the Belloni Decision: Sohappy v. Smith and the Modern Era of Tribal Treaty Rights, Monte Mills
50 ENVTL. L. 387 (2020)


Banking the Unbanked Innovators, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
45 J. Corp. L. 715 (2020)


Lending Innovations, Xuan-Thao Nguyen
86 Brook. L. Rev. 135 (2020)


Reconstruction, Peter Nicolas
10 UC Irvine L. Rev. 937 (2020)


Blocked from the Ballot Box: People with Disabilities, Elizabeth Pendo
45 ABA Human Rights Magazine (2020)


Ethical Challenges in Discharge Planning: Stories from Patients, Elizabeth Pendo


Resolving Tensions Between Disability Rights Law and COVID-19 Mask Policies, Elizabeth Pendo, Robert Gatter, and Seema Mohapatra
80 Md. L. Rev. Online 1 (2020)


The Role of Law and Policy in Achieving Healthy People’s Disability and Health Goals around Access to Health Care, Activities Promoting Health and Wellness, Independent Living and Participation, and Collecting Data in the United States, Elizabeth Pendo and Lisa I. Iezzoni


Re: Emails, Lauren E. Sancken
74 Wash. St. B. News 20 (2020)

The Price of Sovereignty in the Era of Climate Change: The Role of Climate Finance in Guiding Adaptation Choices for Small Island Developing States, Lauren E. Sancken
38 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 217 (2020)


Law Students and Cell Phone Use: Results of a Six-School Survey, Hugh D. Spitzer, Robert M. Jarvis, Cindy I.T. Archer, Linda Galler, Jodi L. Wilson, and Mark E. Wojcik
89 UMKC L. Rev. 269 (2020)


Inclusive Patents for Open Innovation, Toshiko Takenaka
29 Tex. Intell. Prop. L. J. 187 (2020)


Caregivers and Tax Reform: Before and after Snapshots, Shannon Weeks McCormack
40 Va. Tax Rev. 53 (2020)


The Americans with Disabilities Act and Healthcare Employer-Mandated Vaccinations, Y. Tony Yang, Elizabeth Pendo, and Dorit Rubenstein Reiss
38 Vaccine 3184 (2020)


Practical Citation, David J.S. Ziff
74 NW Law. 20 (2020)


Return on Investment: Editing for Professional Development, David J.S. Ziff
74 Wash. St. B. News 21 (2020)