Univ. of Washington School of Law Faculty Articles | Faculty Publications and Presentations | University of Washington School of Law

University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 2022


Unravelling Inventorship, Toshiko Takenaka
21 Chi.-Kent J. Intell. Prop. 71 (2022)


Data Self-determination and Constitutionalism in East Asia, Dongsheng Zang
55 Ritsumeikan J. Int'l Relations & Area Studies 73 (2022)


Revolt against the U.S. Hegemony: Judicial Divergence in Cyberspace, Dongsheng Zang
39 Wis. Int'l L.J. 1 (2022)


Self-Control of Personal Data and the Constitution in East Asia, Dongsheng Zang
77 Cross-Strait L. Rev. 50 (2022)


Say Goodbye to Bad Digital Presentations, David J.S. Ziff
76 Wash. St. B. News 20 (2022)

Submissions from 2021

Socioeconomic Status and Concussion Reporting: The Distinct and Mediating Roles of Gist Processing, Knowledge, and Attitudes, Peter T. Ajayi, David M. N. Garavito, and Valerie F. Reyna
34 J. Behav. Decision Making 639 (2021)


Frame It: How to Use a Deep Issue Statement to Make a Lasting First Impression, Mireille Butler
75 Wash. St. B. News 20 (2021)


Artificial Intelligence and the Carousel of Soft Law, Ryan Calo
2 IEEE Transactions on Tech. & Soc'y 171 (2021)


The Automated Administrative State: A Crisis of Legitimacy, Ryan Calo and Danielle Keats Citron
70 Emory L.J. 797 (2021)


How Do You Solve a Problem Like Misinformation?, Ryan Calo, Emma S. Spiro, Chris Coward, Kate Starbird, and Jevin D. West
7 Sci. Advances 1 (2021)


The End of Deportation, Angélica Cházaro
69 UCLA Law Rev. 1040 (2021)


An Innovative Approach to Movement Lawyering: An Immigrant Rights Case Study, Christine N. Cimini and Doug Smith
35 Geo. Immigr. L.J. 431 (2021)


Ending the War on People with Substance Use Disorders in Health Care, Kelly K. Dineen and Elizabeth Pendo
21 Am. J. Bioethics 20 (2021)


Substance Use Disorder Discrimination and The CARES Act: Using Disability Law to Inform Part 2 Rulemaking, Kelly K. Dineen and Elizabeth Pendo
52 Ariz. State L. J. 1143 (2021)


Procedurally Just Organizational Climates Improve Relations Between Corrections Officers and Incarcerated Individuals, Danieli Evans, Estée Rubien-Thomas, Thomas O'Brien, Jennifer A. Richeson, B.J. Casey, Tracey Meares, Tom Tyler, and Arielle Baskin-Sommers
27 Psychology, Crime & Law 456 (2021)


The Right to Benefit from Big Data as a Public Resource, Mary D. Fan
96 N.Y.U. L. REV. 1438 (2021)


"Benevolent Paternalism" Revisited, Daniel H. Foote
1 USALI East-West Studies (2021)


Strengthen Your Briefs: Argue Rules Before Comparisons, Benjamin S. Halasz
75 Wash. St. B. News 20 (2021)


Write Introductions that Will Bedazzle Rather than Bore, Benjamin S. Halasz
75 Wash. St. B. News 22 (2021)

Guiding Jurors on Damage Award Decisions: ExperimentalInvestigations of Approaches Based on Theory and Practice, Valerie P. Hans, Krystia Reed, Valerie F. Reyna, David M. N. Garavito, and Rebecca K. Helm
28 Psychol. Pub. Pol'y & L. 188 (2021)


The Rise of Law and the Fall of Circular 230: Tax Lawyer Professional Standards, 1985-2015, Michael Hatfield
24 Fla. Tax Rev. 828 (2021)


Public (AI)ccomodations, Jevan Hutson, Deepak George, AJ Kidd, Sulaf Al-Saif, Mandy (Meiyun) Ku, Devin Glaser, and Devin Glaser
5 GEO. L. TECH. REV. 37 (2021)


Awakening the American Jury: Did the Killing of George Floyd Alter Juror Deliberations Forever?, Tamara F. Lawson
58 Hous. L. Rev. 847 (2021)


Presidential Control of Elections, Lisa Marshall Manheim
74 Vanderbilt L. Rev. 385 (2021)


Taxing Parents: Welfarist Theories, Shannon McCormack
46 Brigham Young University Law Review 85 (2021)