University of Washington School of Law professors publish in law reviews and other legal and interdisciplinary journals. This section of the UW Law Digital Commons describes and links to substantial articles written by current and former faculty members.


Submissions from 2023


Telegraph, Telephone and the Internet: The Making of the Symbiotic Model of Surveillance States, Dongsheng Zang
40 Ariz. J. Int’l & Comp. L. 1 (2023)


Who Owns Data? Constitutional Division in Cyberspace, Dongsheng Zang
32 Transn’l L. & Contemp. Prob. 111 (2023)


Citation, Slavery, and the Law as Choice: Thoughts on Bluebook Rule 10.7.1(d), David J.S. Ziff
101 N.C. L. REV. F. 72 (2023)


Strategic Citations: Beyond the Bluebook, David J.S. Ziff


When Precedent Lacks Power, Make the Judge Want to Decide in Your Favor, David J.S. Ziff

Submissions from 2022


'Show the Brief': Lawyers Can be Better Communicators by Bringing Visuals to their Briefs, William S. Bailey
ABA Journal Online (2022)


Cognitive Effort Avoidance in Veterans with Suicide Attempt Histories, James M. Bjork, Chelsea S. Rooney, Lisa K. Straub, David M. N. Garavito, and Andrew Westbrook
231 Acta Psychologica 103788 (2022)


Embrace Your Softer Side, Mireille Butler
76 Wash. St. B. News 21 (2022)


Terrified by Technology: How Systemic Bias Distorts U.S. Legal and Regulatory Responses to Emerging Technology, Steve Calandrillo and Nolan Kobuke Anderson
2022 U. Ill. L. Rev. 597 (2022)


Modeling Through, Ryan Calo
71 Duke L.J. 1391 (2022)


Why Govern Broken Tools?, Ryan Calo
50 J.L. Med. & Ethics 805 (2022)


Modern Authorities from Brandies to Brnovich: For Jurists Who Have Considered Social Science / When Doctrine Was Not Enough, Jeremiah Chin
13 ALA. C.R. & C.L. L. REV. 265 (2022)


Designing Interdisciplinary, Early Intervention Dispute Resolution Tools to Decrease Evictions and Increase Housing Stability, Christine N. Cimini
70 Wash. U. J. L. & Pol'y 33 (2022)


Nontraditional Investors, Jennifer S. Fan
48 BYU L. Rev. 463 (2022)


The Landscape of Startup Corporate Governance in the Founder-Friendly Era, Jennifer S. Fan
18 NYU J. BUS. L. 317 (2022)


The Hidden Harms of Privacy Penalties, Mary D. Fan
56 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 71 (2022)

Impulsivity and Reflective Thinking in Veterans Seeking Care for Substance Use Disorder, David M. N. Garavito
57 Substance Use & Misuse 1563 (2022)


The Supreme Court’s Chief Justice of Intellectual Property Law, Bob Gomulkiewicz
22 Nev. L.J. 505 (2022)


Coach the Court: Writing Tips from the Bench, An Interview with Judge Rebecca Glasgow, Benjamin S. Halasz
Wash. St. B. News 20 (2022)


A Study of Tax Lawyers Discussing Duties, Michael Hatfield and Michelle Kwon
76 Tax Law. 73 (2022)


Have Almost 50 Years of Disability Civil Rights Laws Achieved Equitable Care?, Lisa I. Iezzoni, Michael McKee, Michelle A. Meade, Megan A. Morris, and Elizabeth Pendo
41 Health Affairs 1371 (2022)


Physicians’ Knowledge Of The ADA: The Authors Reply, Lisa I. Iezzoni and Elizabeth Pendo
41 Health Affairs 609 (2022)


U.S. Physicians’ Knowledge About The Americans With Disabilities Act And Accommodation Of Patients With Disability, Lisa I. Iezzoni, Sowmya R. Rao, Julie Ressalam, Dragana Bolcic-Jankovic, Nicole D. Agaronnik, Tara Lagu, Elizabeth Pendo, and Eric G. Campbell
41 Health Affairs 96 (2022)


Election Law and Election Subversion, Lisa Marshall Manheim
132 Yale L.J. F. 312 (2022)


Bridges to a New Era Part 2: A Report on the Past, Present, and Potential Future of Tribal Co-Management on Federal Lands in Alaska, Monte Mills and Martin Nie
46(S) Colum. J. Envtl. L. 176 (2022)