Docket Number

07-2-02323-2-172 Part 1



Content Type

Record on Appeal


Contains the Summons, Petition for Declaratory Judgment Enforcing Our Constitution, Answer to Petition for Declaratory Judgment Enforcing Our Constitution, Motion for Summary Judgment Concerning Legal Interpretation, [Proposed] Order Granting Summary Judgment Concerning Legal Interpretation, Declaration of Julie Salvi in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, Exhibit 1 [Engrossed Substitute Senate Bill 6090], Exhibit 2 [LEAP Document 1Sb], Exhibit 3 [2006 Supplemental Conference Budget], Delcaration of Eric A. Hanushek in Opposition to Motion for Summary Judgment, Exhibit 1 [Curriculum Vitae of Eric A. Hanushek], Exhibit 2 [Eric A. Hanushek, The Failure of Input-Based Schooling Policies], Exhibit 3 [National Assessment of Educational Progress, Mathematics Grade 8, 2005], Exhibit 4 [Bulky Sub Segment 2 of 2], and Exhibit 5 [Eric A. Hanushek, Good Intentions Captured: School Funding Adequacy and the Courts]
