Docket Number

07-2-02323-2-174 Part 3



Content Type

Record on Appeal


Continues Exhibit FF, Accelerating Achievement, 2007 January Conference and contains Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 10th Grade WASL, 2005-06; Exhibit GG, Substitute House Bill 1128; Exhibit HH, Washington State Standards, Washington State Learning Goals; Supplemental Declaration of Edmund W. Robb Authenticating Multi-Year State Data ["Robb Multi-Year Data. Dec."]; Exhibit II, 2007 Report to Families; Exhibit JJ, Frequently Asked Questions about the WASL; Exhibit KK, Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 10th Grade WASL, 2002-03 and 2004-05; Exhibit LL, School Year 1993-94, Graduate and Dropout Report (and selected later years); Exhibit MM, Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Tenth-Grade WASL in Spring 2006: Results by Race and Ethincity--Revised; Exhibit NN, Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Tenth-Grade WASL Results in Spring 2006: Association Between Poverty and WASL Performance by Race/Ethnicity; Exhibit OO, Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Who Has and Has Not Yet Completed the 10th-Grade WASL?; and Courtesy Copy of: August 24, 2007 Hearing Documents.
